Yes, a seminary education helped me!

It is fashionable to criticize seminary training. For example, Peter DeHaan argues that “Seminary delays ministry!” That is, the years you invest in training, are years wasting God’s time. He writes: “If God actually tells you to go to seminary, then go. Otherwise just start serving him and leave the advanced education to the academics.... Continue Reading →

Answering my mail IS ministry

Every week I spend perhaps an hour, responding to spiritual or theological questions that people send me by Messenger or email or through my blogs. Some weeks there are many questions. And believe me, I am pleased that people would ask. I am guided in this by my three "Patron Saints of Answering Questions." Bruce... Continue Reading →

“I’m just sayin'” can be sin, too

FALSE PROPHETS: Just finished reading Jeremiah, and part of it's story is that false prophets greatly outnumbered true ones. God says, “I have not sent these prophets, yet they run around claiming to speak for me. I have given them no message, yet they go on prophesying." (Jer 23:21)I'm convinced of the same today. This... Continue Reading →

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