Has church become a “show”?

In another place I have written about two churches I have visited that gave a broad weekly invitation for all members to participate in leading worship. I have also written on the related theme of the Priesthood of all Believers. As we hear so often, “The church is not the building, but the congregation.” That... Continue Reading →

The Subnormal Christian Life

So: two kinds of Christian. The normal - "normal" according to God's definition, that is - walks in the Spirit, and through His transforming power enjoys a life of miraculous love, joy, peace, and all the rest. The subnormal - the person who lives by his or her own strength (or as Paul would say it,... Continue Reading →


As a Christmas gift this year, I have bundled together some of my blog posts that have to deal with "How to Life the Christian Life: throw out the old rules and play by the New Covenant." Over a hundred of you have downloaded it already - enjoy! Simply click here: How to live the Christian Life_Shogren I... Continue Reading →

Fake fruits sold here, cheap as they come!

So basically, we can offer you two plans. Plan A. The spiritual produce wagon arrives every day, full to overflowing for those who wish to ask the Father. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and that’s not the complete list; it’s only a summary. They are miracle gifts, planted, watered, grown, harvested,... Continue Reading →

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