No commentary necessary

Here is a snapshot of one and the same website, once in early September, once in early October. BEFORE AND AFTER STILL LATER - it still looks the same! "Currently offline!" These are not Photoshopped, by the way, except to blur out the website address. Which was a very gracious act on my part. By... Continue Reading →

Just read the BIBLE!

[Readers might enjoy my essay, "How to Calculate When Jesus will come - without even being a prophet!" In it I deal with people who keep making false predictions.] If I didn't know better, I would have guessed the announced Bible, below, was a hoax. It is not. The demonstrably false prophet John Hagee is not only making... Continue Reading →

“Four Blood Moons” and a false prophet

[Additional Note, Aug 6 2014. Of course the Blood Moon teachers are announcing, Aha! I told you that Israel  and Gaza would go to war! Well, of course they predicted no such thing, but when someone says that "something will happen"; and then something, anything happens; one can then claim, See, I told you something would... Continue Reading →

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