My favorite books of 2024

Last year we were in Costa Rica for Seminario ESEPA's anniversary; I gave a talk on "Christian Leaders and LifelongLearning." I suggested that "reading" was one of the best tools for building up brain power. And that reading broadly, including books we disagree with, will help rescue us from our social media echo chambers. Just... Continue Reading →

Sex and the evangelical pulpit

Taken from my commentary on 1 Corinthians: an exegetical-pastoral commentary, pages 213-15, Editorial Kerigma, also available on Amazon, Logos. Christian discipleship must encompass the sexual life. If anyone thinks that the Bible is shy about discussing intimate issues, they should look at the rules in Lev 18 or the frank descriptions of the sexual sins... Continue Reading →

Yes, a seminary education helped me!

It is fashionable to criticize seminary training. For example, Peter DeHaan argues that “Seminary delays ministry!” That is, the years you invest in training, are years wasting God’s time. He writes: “If God actually tells you to go to seminary, then go. Otherwise just start serving him and leave the advanced education to the academics.... Continue Reading →

“Brother, let me tell you my story!”

Just out: Between 81% and 90% of U.S. adults are either “very” or “somewhat” satisfied with their life. And a large swath of them feel that way without Christ. Our evangelism should take into account that in a growing secular society, the majority of the population do not cry themselves to sleep in spiritual despair.... Continue Reading →

My favorite books of 2022

I just visited our seminary in Costa Rica and gave an address on "Christian Leaders and LifelongLearning." I suggested that "reading" was one of the best tools for building up brain power. And that reading broadly, including books we disagree with, will help rescue us from our social media echo chambers. Just on the level... Continue Reading →

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