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Greetings! I invite you to officially follow my blog. I receive thousands of hits every month, but few people automatically follow it. If you register, you will get a notice every time I post. We won't use your email address for any other purpose!Go and click PLEASE SHARE, on the top of this page, then... Continue Reading →

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My favorite books of 2024

Last year we were in Costa Rica for Seminario ESEPA's anniversary; I gave a talk on "Christian Leaders and LifelongLearning." I suggested that "reading" was one of the best tools for building up brain power. And that reading broadly, including books we disagree with, will help rescue us from our social media echo chambers. Just... Continue Reading →

Chester, PA – new group for your Hispanic friends

If you have Spanish-speaking friends in the Chester, Pennsylvania area, we have an evangelistic/discipleship Bible study every other Tuesday night at 6pm, at North Chester Baptist. We are told that Chester alone has over 9 thousand Hispanic residents. Plus, we have people driving in from other areas, including Delaware. We are currently studying the Gospel... Continue Reading →

The Error of Hyper-Individualism

Adapted from my new book on the Holy Spirit, available in Spanish, still seeking a publisher for the English version. The full chapter is found on this blog. The forest is haunted by Christian Lone Wolves. I’m a blogger, and so I have a lot of interaction with other people who write blogs. And I’ve... Continue Reading →

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